The Grand Tour of America continues on California’s west coast with The World's Largest Collective Work on a spectacular billboard in downtown Los Angeles, June 18-25, 2022.
Expo Metro allows artists to participate in large-scale collective works in outdoor urban spaces.
More than 2,000 artists participated in 83 collective works presented on billboards in Paris, London, Berlin, Monaco and New York. A new global collective art movement is displayed in the open air and participates in the creation of a unique NFT (non fungible token) Art Collection.
Each time, the approach is original and exceptional. The works of art coexist with each other and in Los Angeles, the works will be present at the corner of 7th Street and Flower Street.
To participate in this exhibition, I chose to present a work from the series "To each his own Karma / Chacun son Karma". I lead you into a Zen world through the representation of "human" heads barely sketched, a few lines designate a face, suggesting a typology according to your feeling.
The image chosen for this collective exhibition in Los Angeles represents two humans. Two intertwined lines create a central part, a shared space, that underlines the commonalities we share with each other.
A few brushstrokes with Chinese ink highlight the strong links, like binding this exhibition made possible by organizers, artists, passers-by of Los Angeles and the art lovers, all of whom are connected to each other.
Once again, the interaction of the "circle" brings magic. On the other hand, this huge poster reminds me of Egyptian hieroglyphics, leaving a story, writing on huge wall surfaces.
In Los Angeles, my modest drawing among all these works of over 460 artists from around the world allows me to leave a trace by participating in this giant collective work that will remain for a few days — but thanks to which I can launch a kind of link between Switzerland and Los Angeles, using a technique from Asia!
To each his own Karma A Photo/Video shooting will be created on the 1st day of the event to promote the Art and the Artists.
Encre de Chine sur papier, 73 x 50 cm
Oeuvre réservée.
Collective Artwork Expo Metro 2022
Los Angeles, 7th Street
Collective Artwork Expo Metro 2022
Los Angeles, 7th Street
Collective Artwork Expo Metro 2022
Los Angeles, 7th Street
Collective Artwork Expo Metro 2022
Los Angeles, 7th Street
120 x 84 cm
Encre de Chine sur papier, avec cadre
38 x 50 cm
Encre de Chine et brou de noix sur papier
38 x 50 cm
Encre de Chine et brou de noix sur papier
38 x 50 cm
Encre de Chine sur papier
38 x 50 cm
Encre de Chine sur papier
30 x 40 cm
Encre de Chine sur partition de musique
30 x 40 cm
Encre de Chine sur partition de musique
30 x 40 cm
Encre de Chine sur partition de musique
Visages énigmatiques sur fond de brou de noix, obsessionnellement répétés… Après les paysages grecs et une incursion dans l’univers onirique, Valérie Kessler nous entraîne dans le monde zen. Oubliés, les bourgeois de Calais, la corde au cou et englués dans un désespoir insondable?
Voici une kyrielle de têtes, à peine esquissées, épures toutes jumelles et toutes différentes. L’impression de sérénité qu’elles dégagent contraste violemment avec le fond, uniformément terreux.
Placide impassibilité du lama en lévitation ou poisseuse fange de la matrice universelle? Les notes de musique aspirent le spectateur vers le côté lumineux du dilemme. Nirvana apaisé ou pesanteurs enfouies? D’une pirouette espiègle, Valérie se garde bien de nous donner sa réponse... Chacun son karma !
Texte: Robert Schuwey